Thursday, February 18, 2010


What is the most important thing in your life?
-erm..laptop..bku conan!

What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
-hurm,,mmandangkn ak x kje ag..jd semenye ak beli nge duit parent ak..

Where do you wish to get married?
-D mne aje,,aizat x kesah..

Are you in love?
of kos. dgn mak bapak gua. kan mama kan. kan abah kan.(d kopi dr somewhere)

Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
-Hazlan bistro aje..nk g kt hk mhl2 xde selere nk mkn ekgi..

Name the latest book that you bought?
-whoa..its very long2 time since i had buy a book..lupe dh..

What is your full name?
-heiji hattori

Do you prefer your mother or father?
eh,,no pilih2..I prefer both..

Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
-Kazuha Toyama

The most exciting place you want to go?


Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.

-erm,,ntahla..wuteva je lah

8 things I say too often

-mngak plek er
-bodo goh
-BESAR pnye!
-taik mg
-gerang ak
-dok igt starang
-tekang ak!

8 books I’ve read recently
-erm..seme bku sal blajo..xde mse ar nk bce komik..

8 songs I could listen to over and over again
-hurm..bosang lake lagu..

8 things I learned last year: 2009
-jgn paka luor pink(taon ni jgn paka bju pink lok)
se tu je kot..

ak dok tagg org len..
baek kan..


wuteva said...

suker gh wat orang teraserr

heiji said...

hha,,wos..sori ah..
igt nk puji bnyok3..
p org igt nde lok ekgi..hha